app store - Restore used to restore purchases for different accounts in ios app -

i had implemented restore button in our app causing issue if member created account our app , pays through appstore. if creates member in our app , restores purchase tapping restore button , putting in app id in fashion using 1 apple app id able have multiple platinum members buying once fo 1 single member , restoring multiple times diferent members.

this upcoming website , app have free/basic plan registers , upgradable 1 time/lifetime platinum plan. in ios app have received message apple in resolution center "to restore purchased in-app purchase products, appropriate provide "restore" button , initiate restore process when "restore" button tapped user."

now if member has upgraded 1 device , logging in ios device not basic member platinum member per our database , hence not see buy/upgrade platinum scene in our app.

basically can avoid rejection removing restore button. solution the above case

i have selected non-consumable purchase

is platinum membership associated specific login server? if so, on server, when process in-app purchase receipt , associated user account record receipt id. every time process receipt, check , see if user has claimed purchase first, , don't honor if it's repeat. replay attacks pretty classic ploy , defeated if purchase tied user login...


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