ios - Issue with CoreData light migration. -

i needed change xcdatamodeld followed tutorial.

i created .mom file , added 1 attribute 1 of previous entities. set in appdelegate.

nsdictionary *options = @{                               nsmigratepersistentstoresautomaticallyoption : @yes,                               nsinfermappingmodelautomaticallyoption : @yes                               };      if (![_persistentstorecoordinator addpersistentstorewithtype:nssqlitestoretype configuration:nil url:storeurl options:options error:&error]) ... 

i thought ok when try interact core data app crashes error.

*** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'this nspersistentstorecoordinator has no persistent stores.  cannot perform save operation.' 

what did miss?

i manage solve, needed update persistentstorecoordinator created handle database on icloud nsdictionary called options.


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