objective c - iOS 7.1 NSString drawInRect -

i have code worked fine until built project ios 7.1. before, text correctly showed on pdf page.

[strsometext drawinrect:rectfortext withattributes:[nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:font, nsfontattributename, mutparagraphstyle, nsparagraphstyleattributename, colorred, nsforegroundcolorattributename, nil]]; 

but now, in formatting dictionary being disregarded. pdf document shows black text of default font , size.

thank responses.

i try using nsattributedstring , find whether works. not have reason why code has stopped working, try this:

//    these variables examples, keep whatever variables using uifont *font = [uifont fontwithname:@"whatever_font" size:16.0f]; nsparagraphstyle *paragraphstyle = [nsparagraphstyle defaultparagraphstyle];  nsdictionary *attributes = @{nsfontattributename : font, nsparagraphstyleattributename : paragraphstyle, nsforegroundcolorattributename : [uicolor redcolor]};  nsattributedstring *attributedstring = [[nsattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:examplestring attributes:attributes];  [attributedstring drawinrect]; 


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