Error 500 Failed to upload file using Delphi Indy -
i'm trying upload file logged in when try post file error
http/1.1500 internal server error.
with respose text
[500,"illegal post header","content-transfer-encoding"]
procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); var s: tstringlist; html: string; clhttprequest1: tclhttprequest; ssliohandlersocketopenssl: tidssliohandlersocketopenssl; params: tidmultipartformdatastream; http, http2: tidhttp; begin params := tidmultipartformdatastream.create; s := tstringlist.create; http2 := tidhttp.create(nil); try cookie := tidcookiemanager.create(nil); ssliohandlersocketopenssl := tidssliohandlersocketopenssl.create(nil); http2.iohandler := ssliohandlersocketopenssl; http2.handleredirects := false; http2.connecttimeout := 10000; http2.readtimeout := 10000; http2.cookiemanager := cookie; http2.allowcookies := true; http2.request.useragent := 'mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/33.0.1750.154 safari/537.36'; http2.request.contenttype := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; http2.request.contentencoding := 'gzip, deflate'; http2.request.accept := '*/*'; http2.request.connection := 'keep-alive'; s.values['auth'] := ''; s.values['pass'] := 'password'; s.values['app_id'] := '5hwajucdicxprlv3gjab'; s.values['app_session'] := '288196272'; html :='', s);;; end; token := extractbetween(html, 'session":"', '"'); try http := tidhttp.create; http.handleredirects := true; http.request.connection := 'keep-alive'; http.allowcookies := true; http.cookiemanager := cookie; http.request.referer := ''; http.request.contenttype := 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----------gi3ef1ch2gi3gl6ae0ef1km7ef1gl6'; http.request.accept := '*/*'; http.request.acceptencoding := 'gzip,deflate'; http.connecttimeout := 20000; http.readtimeout := 20000; http.request.useragent := 'mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/33.0.1750.154 safari/537.36'; params.addfile('file', 'c:\users\m\pictures\martin.jpg', );'' + token + '&parent=1&name_policy=rename', params);;;; end; memo1.text := html; end;
i have googled hours solution no luck :/
tried way :
params.addfile('file', 'c:\users\m\pictures\martin.jpg','application/octet-stream'); params.addfile('file', 'c:\users\m\pictures\martin.jpg','multipart/form-data');
but same error
i have tried clever internet compenent , succeeded uploading file use indy ..
i use delphi x3
you need rid of these lines:
http2.request.contentencoding := 'gzip, deflate';
http.request.acceptencoding := 'gzip,deflate';
manages values based on whether compressor
property assigned , enabled. and, not sending compressed request, values should not used anyway.
also, need rid of line:
http.request.contenttype := 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----------gi3ef1ch2gi3gl6ae0ef1km7ef1gl6';
manages value you, boundary
, tidmultipartformdtastream
generates dynamically.
update other place content-transfer-encoding
used on individual fields of tidmultipartformdatastream
. each tidformdatafield
has contenttransfer
property. addfile()
initializes 'binary'
, can set blank string disable header:
params.addfile(...).contenttransfer := '';
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