java - Looping a menu to display after a choice -

so have code:

import java.util.scanner;  public class studentgradedriver {  public static void main(string[] args)  {     scanner scanner = new scanner(;      system.out.println("enter student name: ");     string name = scanner.nextline();     studentgrade grade = new studentgrade(name);        system.out.println("welcome student grade interface!");     system.out.println("you modyfing grades john doe");     system.out.println("===============================================");     system.out.println("(1)  add homework score");     system.out.println("(2)  add passed lab");     system.out.println("(3)  add midterm exam score");     system.out.println("(4)  set final exam score");     system.out.println("(5)  calculate final grade");     system.out.println("(-1) exit");     system.out.println("===============================================");     system.out.print("please input choice: ");     int choice = scanner.nextint();  while(true) {      if (choice == 1);   {       system.out.println("enter total points earned: ");       double _hwearned = scanner.nextdouble();        system.out.println("enter total points possible: ");       double _hwpossible = scanner.nextdouble();        grade.addhomework(_hwearned, _hwpossible);        system.out.println("welcome student grade interface!");       system.out.println("you modyfing grades john doe");       system.out.println("===============================================");       system.out.println("(1)  add homework score");       system.out.println("(2)  add passed lab");       system.out.println("(3)  add midterm exam score");       system.out.println("(4)  set final exam score");       system.out.println("(5)  calculate final grade");       system.out.println("(-1) exit");       system.out.println("===============================================");       system.out.print("please input choice: ");       choice = scanner.nextint();   }    if (choice == 2)   {       system.out.println("a passed lab has been added "                              + "this student. ");        grade.passedlab();   }    else if (choice == 3)   {       system.out.println("enter total points earned midterm: ");       double _midearned = scanner.nextdouble();        system.out.println("enter total points possible midterm: ");       double _midpossible = scanner.nextdouble();        grade.addexam(_midearned, _midpossible);        system.out.println("welcome student grade interface!");     system.out.println("you modyfing grades john doe");     system.out.println("===============================================");     system.out.println("(1)  add homework score");     system.out.println("(2)  add passed lab");     system.out.println("(3)  add midterm exam score");     system.out.println("(4)  set final exam score");     system.out.println("(5)  calculate final grade");     system.out.println("(-1) exit");     system.out.println("===============================================");     system.out.print("please input choice: ");     choice = scanner.nextint();    }     else if (choice == 4)   {       system.out.println("enter total points earned final: ");       double _finalearned = scanner.nextdouble();        grade.setfinalexam(_finalearned);      system.out.println("welcome student grade interface!");     system.out.println("you modyfing grades john doe");     system.out.println("===============================================");     system.out.println("(1)  add homework score");     system.out.println("(2)  add passed lab");     system.out.println("(3)  add midterm exam score");     system.out.println("(4)  set final exam score");     system.out.println("(5)  calculate final grade");     system.out.println("(-1) exit");     system.out.println("===============================================");     system.out.print("please input choice: ");     choice = scanner.nextint();   }    else if (choice == 5)   {       system.out.println("the score " + name + " "                               + grade.getfinalscore());   }   else if(choice == -1)   {       break;   }  }    }  } 

is there easier or way loop menu display after choices 1, 3, 4, , 5, not 2 , still exit when user input -1?
me copying , pasting menu, appears if (choice ==1) still executes after have pressed different number. after execution , menu pops again, if hit same number execute. example when first choice 3, execute if (choice == 1), 2nd choice 2 , execute if (choice == 2), , 3rd choice 3 again, go if (choice == 1), know why happens? willl appreciated.

not quite sure you're trying do, see have while loop , first choice if statement separate 2nd choice if statement. did mean else if(choice == 2) or misunderstanding you're trying do?


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