Simple twitter timeline iOS (only read tweets for no register user) -

i want twitter timeline displayed in view, without user having put twitter account, simplemete read tweets , hashtag, of accounts have selected during programming of app. possible? can find info this? see includes login in twitter.

thank you.

you can use sttwitterapiwrapper

firstly using twitter must create app , because must use key , secret of app in code.

for example :

sttwitterapiwrapper *twitter = [sttwitterapiwrapper twitterapiapplicationonlywithconsumerkey:yourtwitterconsumerkey                                   consumersecret:yourtwitterconsumersecret];      [twitter verifycredentialswithsuccessblock:^(nsstring *username)      {          nsdictionary *parameters = @{@"q" : @"anyhashtag", @"result_type": @"recent", @"count": @"100"};          [twitter getsearchtweetswithquery:parameters successblock:^(nsdictionary *searchmetadata, nsarray *statuses, nsstring *refreshurl) {              _refreshurl = refreshurl;             [self parsejsonstring:statuses];           } errorblock:^(nserror *error) {              //nslog(@"-- error: %@", error);         }];       } errorblock:^(nserror *error) {         //nslog(@"--** error %@", error);     }]; 


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