python - PyDev Package Explorer doesn't show files in Eclipse -

i have been working weeks using eclipse's pydev (eclipse 3.8.1) , click on files in package explorer navigate through them. of sudden python project looks empty in package explorer, showing standard python libs.

i tried many things such as:

  • refreshing project.
  • importing again project workspace.
  • looking @ custom filters in "customize view".
  • opening project file in editor , using "link editor".
  • closing pydev package explorer , opening again.
  • closing , opening eclipse again (several times).

none of showed files. don't know wrong project. think not related, git project.

do know else missing me try?


found solution in pydev faq

the usual checks are:

  1. in pydev package explorer menu, top level elements pointing working sets?

  2. in pydev package explorer menu, customize view, content has both, pydev navigator content , resources checked?

  3. in pydev package explorer menu, customize view, possible filters selected hiding elements?

the first item solved problem.


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