swing - Java JButton not updating -

i have jbutton when call settext(), text not update. hover on button, updates. how can fix when call settext(), button updates? post methods edt takes it. goes in order :)

public void mouseclicked(mouseevent e) {//this differn't event. not executed clicking on same button. it's differn't one.             click(new point(e.getx() + gridscrollpaneviewport.getviewposition().x, e.gety() + gridscrollpaneviewport.getviewposition().y));         }  public void click(point point) {                 map.selectplot((plotgui) map.getcomponentat(point));             } public void selectplot(plotgui plot) {         chickentycoon.getinstance().getscreen().getplayingscreen().sidebar                 .setplot(plot);         selectedplot = plot;     }  public void setplot(plotgui plot) {         title.settext(plot.getname() + plot.getx() + plot.gety());         (component comp : stuffpanel.getcomponents()) {             stuffpanel.remove(comp);         }         (component comp : plot.getcomponentlist()) {             stuffpanel.add(comp);         }         update();     }  public void update() {         if (chickentycoon.getinstance().getscreen().getplayingscreen().map                 .getselectedplot() != null) {             chickentycoon.getinstance().getscreen().getplayingscreen().map                     .getselectedplot().update();         }     }  public void update() {         log.m("updating landgui");         ((cbutton) componentlist[0]).settext("buy $ "//i know casting cbutton, it's custom version of jbutton. tried jbutton , same thing happens.                 + ((land) parentplot).getpurchaseprice());     } 


package gui;  import game.gameconfiguration;  import java.awt.basicstroke; import java.awt.color; import java.awt.dimension; import java.awt.font; import java.awt.fontmetrics; import java.awt.frame; import java.awt.graphics; import java.awt.graphics2d; import java.awt.insets; import java.awt.renderinghints; import java.awt.shape; import java.awt.stroke; import java.awt.event.componentevent; import java.awt.event.componentlistener; import java.awt.geom.area; import java.awt.geom.rectangle2d; import java.awt.geom.roundrectangle2d;  import javax.swing.jbutton; import javax.swing.joptionpane; import javax.swing.swingutilities;  import chicken.globalconfiguration;  public class cbutton extends jbutton implements componentlistener {     protected static final int border_width = 5;     private static final font font = globalconfiguration.font;     private static final insets insets_margin = new insets(2, 5, 2, 5);      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;     protected area m_areadraw = null;     private area m_areafill = null;      private double m_dheightdraw = 0d;     private double m_dheightfill = 0d;     private double m_dwidthdraw = 0d;      private double m_dwidthfill = 0d;     private int m_nminheight = 0;     private int m_nminwidth = 0;      private int m_nstringheightmax = 0;     private int m_nstringwidthmax = 0;     private roundrectangle2d m_rrect2ddraw = null;     private roundrectangle2d m_rrect2dfill = null;     private shape m_shape = null;      public cbutton(string strlabel) {         setcontentareafilled(false);         setmargin(cbutton.insets_margin);         setfocuspainted(false);         addcomponentlistener(this);         setfont(cbutton.font);         settext(strlabel);     }      @override     public void componenthidden(componentevent e) {     }      @override     public void componentmoved(componentevent e) {     }      // needed if want button resize     @override     public void componentresized(componentevent e) {         m_shape = new rectangle2d.float(0, 0, getbounds().width,                 getbounds().height);         m_dwidthfill = (double) getbounds().width - 1;         m_dheightfill = (double) getbounds().height - 1;         m_dwidthdraw = ((double) getbounds().width - 1)                 - (cbutton.border_width - 1);         m_dheightdraw = ((double) getbounds().height - 1)                 - (cbutton.border_width - 1);         setshape();         repaint();     }      @override     public void componentshown(componentevent e) {     }      @override     public boolean contains(int nx, int ny) {         if ((null == m_shape) || m_shape.getbounds().equals(getbounds())) {             m_shape = new rectangle2d.float(0, 0, this.getbounds().width,                     this.getbounds().height);         }         return m_shape.contains(nx, ny);     }      @override     public void paintborder(graphics g) {         graphics2d g2 = (graphics2d) g;         renderinghints hints = new renderinghints(                 renderinghints.key_antialiasing,                 renderinghints.value_antialias_on);         g2.setrenderinghints(hints);         g2.setcolor(color.black);         stroke strokeold = g2.getstroke();         g2.setstroke(new basicstroke(cbutton.border_width,                 basicstroke.cap_round, basicstroke.join_round));         g2.draw(m_areadraw);          if (getmodel().isrollover()) {             g2.setcolor(color.gray);             g2.draw(m_areadraw);         }         g2.setstroke(strokeold);     };      @override     public void paintcomponent(graphics g) {         graphics2d g2 = (graphics2d) g;         renderinghints hints = new renderinghints(                 renderinghints.key_antialiasing,                 renderinghints.value_antialias_on);         g2.setrenderinghints(hints);         if (getmodel().isarmed()) {             g2.setcolor(color.cyan.darker());         } else {             g2.setcolor(color.cyan);         }         g2.fill(m_areafill);         super.paintcomponent(g2);     }      private void setshape() {         // area         double darclengthfill = math.min(m_dwidthfill, m_dheightfill);         m_rrect2dfill = new roundrectangle2d.double(0d, 0d, m_dwidthfill,                 m_dheightfill, darclengthfill, darclengthfill);         // warning: arclength , archeight divided 2         // when roundedrectangle shape         m_areafill = new area(m_rrect2dfill);         // border         double darclengthdraw = math.min(m_dwidthdraw, m_dheightdraw);         m_rrect2ddraw = new roundrectangle2d.double(                 (cbutton.border_width - 1) / 2, (cbutton.border_width - 1) / 2,                 m_dwidthdraw, m_dheightdraw, darclengthdraw, darclengthdraw);         m_areadraw = new area(m_rrect2ddraw);     }      @override     public void settext(final string strtext) {         cbutton.super.settext(strtext);         frame frame = joptionpane.getrootframe();         fontmetrics fm = frame.getfontmetrics(font);         m_nstringwidthmax = fm.stringwidth(gettext());         m_nstringwidthmax = math.max(m_nstringwidthmax,                 fm.stringwidth(gettext()));         // warning: use getmargin. refers dist btwn text , border.         // use getinsets. refers width of border         int nwidth = math.max(m_nminwidth, m_nstringwidthmax + getmargin().left                 + getinsets().left + getmargin().right + getinsets().right);         m_nstringheightmax = fm.getheight();         // warning: use getmargin. refers dist btwn text , border.         // use getinsets. refers width of border         int nheight = math.max(m_nminheight, m_nstringheightmax                 + getmargin().left + getinsets().left + getmargin().right                 + getinsets().right);         setpreferredsize(new dimension(                 nwidth + ((2 * getfont().getsize()) / 5), nheight                         + ((2 * getfont().getsize()) / 5)));         // set initial draw , fill dimensions         setshape();     } } 

i fixed it. needed add repaint container button. simple that!

button.settext("some text"); buttoncontainer.repaint(); 


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