winapi - Having issues getting the module base address C++ -

i trying make program store value 500 calculator's memory address mr (memory restore) button on calculator application. know address integer "calc.exe"+00073320 + 0 + c

if use program cheat engine, can current address instance of calculator.exe i'm running, , write fine way. however, since not static address, need way module base address.

i tried using getmodulebase function (see code below) base address of calc.exe, issue cannot base address. function returns 0 instead of correct address.

i debugged , found in getmodulebase function, not cycling once through while loop because bmodule returning 0 module32first function.

    #include <tchar.h>     #include <windows.h>      #include <tlhelp32.h>      #include <iostream>      #include <psapi.h>     #include <wchar.h>     #pragma comment( lib, "psapi" )     using namespace std;      dword getmodulebase(lpstr lpmodulename, dword dwprocessid)     {        moduleentry32 lpmoduleentry = {0};        handle hsnapshot = createtoolhelp32snapshot( th32cs_snapmodule, dwprocessid );        if(!hsnapshot)           return null;        lpmoduleentry.dwsize = sizeof(lpmoduleentry);        bool bmodule = module32first( hsnapshot, &lpmoduleentry );        while(bmodule)        {           if(!strcmp( lpmoduleentry.szmodule, lpmodulename ) )           {              closehandle( hsnapshot );              return (dword)lpmoduleentry.modbaseaddr;           }           bmodule = module32next( hsnapshot, &lpmoduleentry );        }        closehandle( hsnapshot );        return null;     }      int main() {        hwnd hwnd = findwindow(0, "calculator");       dword baseaddr;       if(hwnd == 0){          messagebox(0, "error cannot find window.", "error", mb_ok|mb_iconerror);        } else {          dword proccess_id;          getwindowthreadprocessid(hwnd, &proccess_id);          handle hprocess = openprocess(process_all_access, false, proccess_id);          if(!hprocess){            messagebox(0, "could not open process!", "error!", mb_ok|mb_iconerror);          } else {            int newdata = 500;           baseaddr = getmodulebase("calc.exe",proccess_id);           //getmodulebase returning 0, not getting correct base address           dword newdatasize = sizeof(newdata);            if(writeprocessmemory(hprocess, (lpvoid)0x002413fc, &newdata, newdatasize, null)){              cout << "memory written." << endl;            } else {             cout << "memory failed write." << endl;            }            closehandle(hprocess);          }        }        return 0;      }  

summary: cannot correct base address using getmodulebase function, , need figure out doing wrong can correct base address "calc.exe" process.

you should read modules this:

#include <windows.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <iostream>  //you don't have use function if don't want to.. int strcompare(const char* one, const char* two, bool casesensitive) {     #if defined _win32 || defined _win64     return casesensitive ? strcmp(one, two) : _stricmp(one, two);     #else     return casesensitive ? strcmp(one, two) : strcasecmp(one, two);     #endif }  //you read module information this.. moduleentry32 getmoduleinfo(std::uint32_t processid, const char* modulename) {     void* hsnap = nullptr;     moduleentry32 mod32 = {0};      if ((hsnap = createtoolhelp32snapshot(th32cs_snapmodule, processid)) == invalid_handle_value)         return mod32;      mod32.dwsize = sizeof(moduleentry32);     while (module32next(hsnap, &mod32))     {         if (!strcompare(modulename, mod32.szmodule, false))         {             closehandle(hsnap);             return mod32;         }     }      closehandle(hsnap);     return {0}; }  int main() {     //change process id below..     byte* baseaddr = getmoduleinfo(5172, "calc.exe").modbaseaddr;     std::cout<<"base address: "<<(void*)baseaddr<<"\n";                  return 0; } 

edit: after further investigation, found visual studio compiling x32 platform calc.exe x64 process..

to visual studio compile x64 need following:

enter image description here

then click , select "new" following drop-down menu:

enter image description here

next in following drop down, select x64:

enter image description here

save settings , rebuild project , should work..


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