PHP Accessing variables stored in an object in a class -

i have dived in php objects , trying set/get properties.

i think understanding getters , setters , magic methods, @ least pros conns of using them. (i'm using magic method right now, have less code maintain while learn, , not sure how many bits of info need store user)

i have $_userdata object set of properties. loggedin (true false) firstname(firstname of user) lastname (lastname of user) ....and others

i having problems setting , getting values

require_once('facebook/facebook.php'); // require facebook sdk require_once('config.class.php'); // require config class require_once('dbconn.class.php'); //require database connector  class user{     public $_userdata; // holds information of our user     private $conn; // our database connection     public $facebook; // facebook sdk     public $fbuser; // facebook user     //constructor     public function __construct(array $properties=array()) {         $this->conn = dbconn::getinstance(); //get db instance         $this->facebook = new facebook(config::read('fb.facebook'));         $this->_userdata = $properties;     }      // magic methods reading/writing our user properties!     public function __set($property, $value){         return $this->_userdata[$property] = $value;     }      public function __get($property){         return array_key_exists($property, $this->_userdata)?              $this->_userdata[$property]:              null         ;             }     /**     * getsession - saves session vars our user     * @return bool: true - session retrieved     *               false - no session found     */     public function getsession(){         if (isset($_session['loggedin']) && $_session['loggedin'] == true) {             //save session user             $this->_userdata->email = $_session['email'];             $this->_userdata->loggedin = $_session['loggedin'];             $this->_userdata->provider = $_session['provider'];             $this->_userdata->uid = $_session['uid'];             //something wrong properties dont set!!!!             return true;         }else{             return false;         }     }     public function getprofile(){         //first set users profile information         try{             $pdoquery = ("select                 email_upl as'email',                 firstname_upl 'firstname',                 lastname_upl 'lastname',                 username_upl 'username',                 image_upl 'image',                 info_upl 'info'                 userprofile_upl                 email_upl = :email"             );             $stmt = $this->conn->dbh->prepare($pdoquery);             //this->_userdata->email returns null...             $stmt->bindparam(':email', $this->_userdata->email);              $row = $stmt->fetch(pdo::fetch_obj);             // row has no data because email property has no value!!!             //var_dump($row);              $this->_userdata->email = $row->email;             $this->_userdata->firstname= $row->firstname;             $this->_userdata->lastname = $row->lastname;             $this->_userdata->info = $row->info;             return (true);         }catch(pdoexception $e){             echo('there error while connecting profile<br>');             return false;         }     } /**      * loginfacebook - logs user site facebook      * checks see if user has account , if not make one.      * checks see if user has profile , if not make one.      * checks see if user has facebook credentials on site      * @return mixed      */     public function loginfacebook(){         $fbuser = $this->facebook->getuser();//get facebook user         if($fbuser){// if have user returned have user who's authenticated , logged in facebook             try { // proceed knowing have user.                 $me = $this->facebook->api('/me'); // facebook user                 //generate log-out url                 $params = array( 'next' => config::read('url.logout'));                 //set user logout_url                 $this->_userdata->logout_url = $this->facebook->getlogouturl($params);                 //set users details                 // values not getting set                 // when setsession called has no values poulate session                 $this->_userdata->uid = $this->facebook->getuser();                 $this->_userdata->firstname = $me['first_name'];                 $this->_userdata->lastname = $me['last_name'];                 $this->_userdata->email = $me['email'];                 $this->_userdata->provider = 'facebook';                 var_dump($this->_userdata);                 if(!$this->fbaccountexists($this->_userdata)){                     //$this->fbcreateaccount($this->_userdata);                 };                 if(!$this->profileexists()){                     //$this->createprofile();                 }                 var_dump($this->_userdata);                 $this->setsession();             }             catch (facebookapiexception $e){ //if theres error                 $fbuser = null; //set user nothing                 return false();             }         }         if(!$fbuser){             //get login url, returns page can process login($fblogin_url)             $loginurl = $this->facebook->getloginurl(array('redirect_uri'=>config::read('url.fblogin'), false));             header('location: '.$loginurl);//redirect login page         }     }  } 


$user = new user(); // create new user $user->getsession(); //get user session var_dump($user->_userdata); // data contains null values 

the session contains following data

["loggedin"]=> bool(true) ["email"]=> null ["uid"]=> null ["provider"]=> null }

the user object contains no data

array(0) { }

so problem lies within initial loginfacebook method not setting properties.

the setters not working there....


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