export - How to write Facebook/Twitter to address book in iOS? -

in app export data address book in order create new contact entries. can export want without problem, except facebook , twitter addresses. i'm lost on these two.

here's code i'm using export non-facebook/twitter data work:

abmutablemultivalueref multiphone = abmultivaluecreatemutable(kabmultistringpropertytype); abmultivalueaddvalueandlabel(multiphone, (__bridge cftyperef)(thephonemobile), kabpersonphonemobilelabel, null); abmultivalueaddvalueandlabel(multiphone, (__bridge cftyperef)(thephonehome), kabhomelabel, null); abrecordsetvalue(newperson, kabpersonphoneproperty, multiphone, null); cfrelease(multiphone); 

here's how i'm trying export facbeook not work:

abmutablemultivalueref multisocial = abmultivaluecreatemutable(kabmultistringpropertytype); abmultivalueaddvalueandlabel(multisocial, (__bridge cftyperef)(thefacebook), kabpersonsocialprofileservicefacebook, null); abrecordsetvalue(newperson, kabpersonsocialprofileproperty, multisocial, null); cfrelease(multisocial); 

where going wrong?

setting social profiles tricky reason, here code necessary doing so:

abmultivalueref multisocial = abmultivaluecreatemutable(kabmultidictionarypropertytype);  abmultivalueaddvalueandlabel(multisocial, (__bridge cftyperef)([nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:(nsstring *)kabpersonsocialprofileservicefacebook, kabpersonsocialprofileservicekey, thefacebook, kabpersonsocialprofileusernamekey,nil]), kabpersonsocialprofileservicefacebook, null);  abrecordsetvalue(newperson, kabpersonsocialprofileproperty, multisocial, null); 

according documentation, social profiles kabmultidictionarypropertytype, not kabmultistringtype.

that means need add dictionaries multisocial, not strings. format not make sense me dictionary, copy , paste whenever need use it.

then, set how did before.


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