android - phonegap 3.4 unable to set an application name other than HelloWorld -

i followed docs , trying create new project command

phonegap create project --name "myproject" --id "" 

no matter how many times try, app getting installed "hellworld" name. had explicitly change res/values/strings.xml <string name="app_name">myproject</string> alter app name on device.

thanks in advance

the way solve; create project 3.4 , in adt right clicked on helloworld folder , refactor -> change name. typed new application name. if adt have null exception errors, hit f5 couple of times refresh folders of newly created project. close , restarted adt , voila! started work. , change application namespace com.phonegap.helloworld -> com.mydomain.myappname. know not logical way how did. hope helps.


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