Cordova cli adds res folder to /www with 7.5mb of default splash screens / icons -

i'm using cordova 3.4. when use cordova build ios build app, cli adds folder called 'res' platform /www folder. contains default splash screens , icons platforms, including ios, android, tizen, bada, blackberry, etc etc. uncompressed folder 7.5mb. adds folder every time run build.

i can manually remove folder platform /www folder after building without problem (splash screens , icons on ios defined in xcode project anyway) doing hand every time want push build our testing distribution system or itunes seems huge hassle.

is there way can prevent cordova adding folder?

seems cordova 3.4 adds folder default when cordova platform add <platform>. didn't in previous versions why didn't caught earlier. remove folder /www folder without cordova build failing. well.


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