gnu make - Makefile rule always been processed -

my recipe $(hdaimg) been processed, when there $(hdaimg) file in folder. what doing wrong?

hdaimg      := $(testdir)/$(project)-hda.img 

hdaimg value, actually, test/project-hda.img

phony: $(project)  all: $(project) $(hdaimg)  $(project): check-env     $(call v_exec, 1, $(make) -c $(srcdir) $@)  $(hdaimg): $(project) check-env     $(call print_white_init, hdaimg)     $(call print, creating $@)     $(call v_exec, 2, dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ count=0 bs=1 seek=$(hdaimgsize) &> /dev/null)     $(call print, partitioning $@)     $(call v_exec, 2, parted --script $@ mklabel msdos mkpart primary ext4 1 100%)     $(call print, creating $@ device maps)     $(call v_exec, 2, sudo kpartx -a $@ -s)     $(call v_exec, 2, sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/loop0p1 -q)     $(call v_exec, 2, sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 $(testdir)/mnt)     $(call v_exec, 2, sudo umount $(testdir)/mnt)     $(call v_exec, 2, sudo kpartx -d $@)     $(call print_white_done, hdaimg)  check-env: ifneq ($(error),)     $(call print_error, $(error))     exit 1 endif 

that called functions used print color or execute choosed verbose; there in included. some:

v_exec      = $(v$(strip $(1)))$(strip $(2)) print       = @echo -e '$(lead_sub_str) $(strip $(1))' print_white_init= @echo -e '$(subst pattern,$(strip $(1)),$(white_init)) $(strip $(2))' print_white_done= @echo -e '$(subst pattern,$(strip $(1)),$(white_done)) $(strip $(2))' 

$(hdaimg) has check-env prerequisite, , make thinks check-env must rebuilt, because check-env not file exists. therefore make decides $(hdaimg) must rebuilt.

it make more sense perform check first command in rule, rather prerequisite.


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