ms access 2007 - VB.NET Event Properties -

guys have event onlick in in properties of combo list(dropdown menu)? i'm trying use select query select single employee data , display on text box, possible? please guide me thanks. thanks

dim mydb dao.database, myrec dao.recordset, mylist string dim afn string, aln string, acn double, aage integer, aadd string, dropdownvalue long  dropdownvalue = adropdown.value  set mydb = currentdb set myrec = mydb.openrecordset("select * agentinfo agentinchargeid=" & dropdownvalue & " ") while not myrec.eof        afn = myrec![firstname]       aln = myrec![lastname]       aage = myrec![age]       acn = myrec![contactnumber]       aadd = myrec![address]       myrec.movenext loop   afntextbox.value = afn  alntextbox.value = aln  aagetextbox.value = aage  acntextbox = acn  aaddresstextbox = aadd 


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