ios - Paging UICollectionView by cells, not screen -

i have uicollectionview horizontal scrolling , there 2 cells side-by-side per entire screen. need scrolling stop @ begining of cell. paging enabled, collection view scrolls whole page, 2 cells @ once, , stops.

i need enable scrolling single cell, or scrolling multiple cells stopping @ edge of cell.

i tried subclass uicollectionviewflowlayout , implement method targetcontentoffsetforproposedcontentoffset, far able break collection view , stopped scrolling. there easier way achieve , how, or need implement methods of uicollectionviewflowlayout subclass? thanks.

ok, found solution here: targetcontentoffsetforproposedcontentoffset:withscrollingvelocity without subclassing uicollectionviewflowlayout

i should have searched targetcontentoffsetforproposedcontentoffset in begining.


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