android - IQ Custom provider not recognized -

i using asmack openfire.

after lot of research found openfire doesn't support message archiving , installed plugin openarchive.

now archiving works fine , messages stored fine.

now in client side tried sending iq stanza retrieve archived chats.

first added iq provider below:

pm.addiqprovider("list", "urn:xmpp:archive", new listiqprovider());

then used:

final iq iq = new iq() {      @override public string getchildelementxml()     {          return "<list  xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive' with=''><set xmlns=''><max xmlns=''>30</max></set> </list>";      } };  iq.settype(iq.type.get); iq.setpacketid("987654321");  xmppconnection.sendpacket(iq); 

it worked fine , received response.

<iq id="987654321" to="" type="result"> <list xmlns="urn:xmpp:archive">     <chat with="" start="2014-04-06t12:11:28.674z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-03t16:55:59.523z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-05t16:33:03.377z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-02t14:32:10.499z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-06t12:47:52.961z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-03t14:46:24.877z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-06t12:37:14.608z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-03t15:48:46.642z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-02t13:46:07.750z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-04t18:25:57.968z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-03t19:08:45.238z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-04t18:47:19.067z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-04t19:34:27.819z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-02t15:09:13.140z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-03t18:30:36.804z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-05t14:09:34.973z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-04t22:47:54.363z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-02t15:32:44.540z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-03t17:18:37.940z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-03t13:37:15.630z"/>     <chat with="" start="2014-04-04t17:10:39.116z"/>      <set xmlns="">         <first index="0">66</first>         <last>139</last>         <count>21</count>     </set> </list> </iq> 

then wanted retrieve actual messages sent iq stanza:

final iq iq = new iq() {      @override public string getchildelementxml()     {          return "<retrieve  xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive' with=''><set xmlns=''><max xmlns=''>30</max></set> </retrieve>";      } };  iq.settype(iq.type.get); iq.setpacketid("987654321");  xmppconnection.sendpacket(iq); 

of course after created custom provider , added below:

pm.addiqprovider("retrieve", "urn:xmpp:archive", new chatiqprovider()); 

and should have received like:

<iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="result" id="hgfg" to=""> <chat xmlns="urn:xmpp:archive" with="" start="2014-04-02t13:46:07.750z">     <from secs="0" jid="">         <body>hello</body>     </from>     <to secs="2">         <body>hey</body>     </to>     <from secs="5" jid="">         <body>test</body>     </from>     <set xmlns="">         <first index="0">0</first>         <last>2</last>         <count>3</count>     </set> </chat> 

but in packet listener result isn't parsed , treated list stanza treated if remove listiqprovider().

here custom classes:


public class chatiq extends iq {   private string xmlns; private string with; private string start;  private list<from> froms; private set set;  public chatiq() {     this.froms = new arraylist<chatiq.from>(); }  public string getxmlns() {     return xmlns; }  public void setxmlns(string xmlns) {     this.xmlns = xmlns; }  public string getwith() {     return with; }  public void setwith(string with) {     this.with = with; }  public string getstart() {     return start; }  public void setstart(string start) {     this.start = start; }    public void addfrom(from from)  {     froms.add(from);  }   public list<from> getfroms()  {     return froms;  }  public set getset()  {     return set;  }   public void setset(set set)  {     this.set = set;  }   @override  public string getchildelementxml()  {      stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder("<chat xmlns=\"urn:xmpp:archive\"");         builder.append("with=\"").append(with).append("\"");         builder.append(" start=\"");         builder.append(start);         builder.append("\">");         for(from : froms)         {             builder.append(from.toxml());         }         builder.append(set.toxml());         builder.append("</chat>");         return builder.tostring();  }   public static class   {      private string secs;      private string jid;       private body body;       public string getsecs()     {         return secs;     }       public void setsecs(string secs)     {         this.secs = secs;     }       public string getjid()     {         return jid;     }       public void setjid(string jid)     {         this.jid = jid;     }       public body getbody()     {         return body;     }       public void setbody(body body)     {         this.body = body;     }       public string toxml()     {         stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder("<from ");         builder.append("secs=\"").append(secs).append("\" ");         builder.append("jid=\"").append(jid).append("\" >");         builder.append(body.toxml());         builder.append("</from>");         return builder.tostring();     }  }   public static class body   {      private string message;      public body(string message)     {         this.message = message;     }      public string getmessage()     {         return message;     }      public void setmessage(string message)     {         this.message = message;     }      public object toxml()     {         stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder("<body>");         builder.append(message);         builder.append("</body>");         return builder.tostring();     }  }   public static class set {     private int last;     private int count;     private int indexatt;     private int first;      public set()     {     }      public int getlast()     {         return last;     }      public void setlast(int last)     {         this.last = last;     }      public int getcount()     {         return count;     }      public void setcount(int count)     {         this.count = count;     }      public int getindexatt()     {         return indexatt;     }      public void setindexatt(int indexatt)     {         this.indexatt = indexatt;     }      public int getfirst()     {         return first;     }      public void setfirst(int first)     {         this.first = first;     }      public string toxml()     {         stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder("<set xmlns=\"\">");         builder.append("<first index=\"").append(indexatt).append("\">").append(first).append("</first>");         builder.append("<last>").append(last).append("</last>");         builder.append("<count>").append(count).append("</count>");         builder.append("</set>");         return builder.tostring();     }  }  } 


public class chatiqprovider implements iqprovider {   public chatiqprovider()  {  }   @override  public iq parseiq(xmlpullparser parser) throws exception  {     log.d("chat iq provider", string.format("received iq packet, namespace[%s], name[%s]", parser.getnamespace(), parser.getname()));     chatiq iq = new chatiq();     chatiq.set set = new set();     boolean done = false;      from = new from();     string secs = "", jid = "";     while (!done)     {         int eventtype =;         if (eventtype == xmlpullparser.start_tag)         {             if (parser.getname().equals("from"))             {                 secs = parser.getattributevalue("", "secs");                 jid = parser.getattributevalue("", "jid");                  = new from();                  iq.addfrom(from);             }             else if(parser.getname().equals("body") && from.getbody()==null)             {                 chatiq.body body = new body(parser.nexttext());                 from.setbody(body);             }             else if (parser.getname().equals("first"))             {                 int index = parseint(parser.getattributevalue("", "index"));                 set.setindexatt(index);                 int first = parseint(parser.nexttext());                 set.setfirst(first);             }             else if (parser.getname().equals("last"))             {                 int last = parseint(parser.nexttext());                 set.setlast(last);             }             else if (parser.getname().equals("count"))             {                 int count = parseint(parser.nexttext());                 set.setcount(count);             }         }         else if (eventtype == xmlpullparser.end_tag)         {             if (parser.getname().equals("chat"))             {                 iq.setset(set);                 done = true;             }         }     }      return iq;  }   private int parseint(string integer)  {     return integer.parseint((integer != null ? integer : "0"));  } } 

my questions follow:

  • why isn't custom iqprovider recognized?
  • can received xml , parse without going through iqproviders?
  • is there simpler way retrieve archived messages server? knowing messages exist , receive them in client side can't find way content , parse it.

thank you.

i fixed issue, , forgot post answer here other people might have same problem. anyway fix pretty simple. instead of:

pm.addiqprovider("retrieve", "urn:xmpp:archive", new chatiqprovider()); 

i should've used:

pm.addiqprovider("chat", "urn:xmpp:archive", new chatiqprovider()); 

i have register name of child tag of iq response , not request, hence "chat" instead of "retrieve".

hope helps, not find examples on use of custom iq in android smack api.

since comment long added here.

here go:


public class listiqprovider implements iqprovider {   public listiqprovider()  {  }   @override  public iq parseiq(xmlpullparser parser) throws exception  {     listiq iq = new listiq();     listiq.set set = new set();     boolean done = false;      string = "", start = "";     while (!done)     {         int eventtype =;         if (eventtype == xmlpullparser.start_tag)         {             if (parser.getname().equals("chat"))             {                 = parser.getattributevalue("", "with");                 start = parser.getattributevalue("", "start");                 iq.addchat(new chat(with, start));             }             else if (parser.getname().equals("first"))             {                 int index = parseint(parser.getattributevalue("", "index"));                 set.setindexatt(index);                 int first = parseint(parser.nexttext());                 set.setfirst(first);             }             else if (parser.getname().equals("last"))             {                 int last = parseint(parser.nexttext());                 set.setlast(last);             }             else if (parser.getname().equals("count"))             {                 int count = parseint(parser.nexttext());                 set.setcount(count);             }         }         else if (eventtype == xmlpullparser.end_tag)         {             if (parser.getname().equals("list"))             {                 iq.setset(set);                 done = true;             }         }     }      return iq;  }   private int parseint(string integer)  {     return integer.parseint((integer != null ? integer : "0"));  } 



public class listiq extends iq {   private list<chat> chats;   private set set;   public listiq()  {     this.chats = new arraylist<>();  }   public set getset()  {     return set;  }   public void setset(set set)  {     this.set = set;  }   public void addchat(chat chat)  {     chats.add(chat);  }   public list<chat> getchats()  {     return chats;  }   @override  public string getchildelementxml()  {     stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder("<list xmlns=\"urn:xmpp:archive\">");     (chat chat : chats)     {         builder.append(chat.toxml());     }     builder.append(set.toxml());     builder.append("</list>");     return builder.tostring();  }   public static class chat {     private string with;     private string start;      public chat()     {     }      public chat(string with, string start)     {         this.with = with;         this.start = start;     }      public string getwith()     {         return with;     }      public void setwith(string with)     {         this.with = with;     }      public string getstart()     {         return start;     }      public void setstart(string start)     {         this.start = start;     }      public string toxml()     {         stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder("<chat with=\"");         builder.append(with).append("\"");         builder.append(" start=\"");         builder.append(start);         builder.append("\"/>");         return builder.tostring();     }   }   public static class set {     private int last;     private int count;     private int indexatt;     private int first;      public set()     {     }      public int getlast()     {         return last;     }      public void setlast(int last)     {         this.last = last;     }      public int getcount()     {         return count;     }      public void setcount(int count)     {         this.count = count;     }      public int getindexatt()     {         return indexatt;     }      public void setindexatt(int indexatt)     {         this.indexatt = indexatt;     }      public int getfirst()     {         return first;     }      public void setfirst(int first)     {         this.first = first;     }      public string toxml()     {         stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder("<set xmlns=\"\">");         builder.append("<first index=\"").append(indexatt).append("\">").append(first).append("</first>");         builder.append("<last>").append(last).append("</last>");         builder.append("<count>").append(count).append("</count>");         builder.append("</set>");         return builder.tostring();     }  }  } 

i use class, call serviceproviders.register_providers(providermanager.getinstance()); right after xmpp connection connected.


public class serviceproviders {     public static void register_providers(providermanager pm)     {         log.e("provider", "start");         // private data storage         pm.addiqprovider("query", "jabber:iq:private", new privatedatamanager.privatedataiqprovider());          // time         try         {             pm.addiqprovider("query", "jabber:iq:time", class.forname("org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.time"));         }         catch (classnotfoundexception e)         {             log.w("testclient", "can't load class org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.time");         }          // roster exchange         pm.addextensionprovider("x", "jabber:x:roster", new rosterexchangeprovider());          // message events         pm.addextensionprovider("x", "jabber:x:event", new messageeventprovider());          // chat state         pm.addextensionprovider("active", "", new chatstateextension.provider());          pm.addextensionprovider("composing", "", new chatstateextension.provider());          pm.addextensionprovider("paused", "", new chatstateextension.provider());          pm.addextensionprovider("inactive", "", new chatstateextension.provider());          pm.addextensionprovider("gone", "", new chatstateextension.provider());          // xhtml         pm.addextensionprovider("html", "", new xhtmlextensionprovider());          // group chat invitations         pm.addextensionprovider("x", "jabber:x:conference", new groupchatinvitation.provider());          // service discovery # items         pm.addiqprovider("query", "", new discoveritemsprovider());          // service discovery # info         pm.addiqprovider("query", "", new discoverinfoprovider());          // data forms         pm.addextensionprovider("x", "jabber:x:data", new dataformprovider());          // muc user         pm.addextensionprovider("x", "", new mucuserprovider());          // muc admin         pm.addiqprovider("query", "", new mucadminprovider());          // muc owner         pm.addiqprovider("query", "", new mucownerprovider());          // delayed delivery         pm.addextensionprovider("x", "jabber:x:delay", new delayinformationprovider());          // version         try         {             pm.addiqprovider("query", "jabber:iq:version", class.forname("org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.version"));         }         catch (classnotfoundexception e)         {             // not sure what's happening here.         }          // vcard         pm.addiqprovider("vcard", "vcard-temp", new vcardprovider());          // offline message requests         pm.addiqprovider("offline", "", new offlinemessagerequest.provider());          // offline message indicator         pm.addextensionprovider("offline", "", new offlinemessageinfo.provider());          // last activity         pm.addiqprovider("query", "jabber:iq:last", new lastactivity.provider());          // user search         pm.addiqprovider("query", "jabber:iq:search", new usersearch.provider());          // sharedgroupsinfo         pm.addiqprovider("sharedgroup", "", new sharedgroupsinfo.provider());          // jep-33: extended stanza addressing         pm.addextensionprovider("addresses", "", new multipleaddressesprovider());          // filetransfer         pm.addiqprovider("si", "", new streaminitiationprovider());          pm.addiqprovider("query", "", new bytestreamsprovider());          // privacy         pm.addiqprovider("query", "jabber:iq:privacy", new privacyprovider());          pm.addiqprovider("command", "", new adhoccommanddataprovider());         pm.addextensionprovider("malformed-action", "", new adhoccommanddataprovider.malformedactionerror());         pm.addextensionprovider("bad-locale", "", new adhoccommanddataprovider.badlocaleerror());         pm.addextensionprovider("bad-payload", "", new adhoccommanddataprovider.badpayloaderror());         pm.addextensionprovider("bad-sessionid", "", new adhoccommanddataprovider.badsessioniderror());         pm.addextensionprovider("session-expired", "", new adhoccommanddataprovider.sessionexpirederror());          pm.addiqprovider("query", "", new discoverinfoprovider());          pm.addextensionprovider("x", "jabber:x:data", new dataformprovider());          // archive         pm.addiqprovider("list", "urn:xmpp:archive", new listiqprovider());          pm.addiqprovider("chat", "urn:xmpp:archive", new chatiqprovider());      } } 


first need add archive plugin openfire. after xmpp connection in client must register providers including 1 helps retrieve chat messages:

pm.addiqprovider("list", "urn:xmpp:archive", new listiqprovider()); pm.addiqprovider("chat", "urn:xmpp:archive", new chatiqprovider()); 

then need send iq stanza follow:

final iq iq = new iq() {      @override public string getchildelementxml()     {          return "<retrieve  xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive' with=''><set xmlns=''><max xmlns=''>30</max></set> </retrieve>";      } };  iq.settype(iq.type.get); iq.setpacketid("987654321");  xmppconnection.sendpacket(iq); 


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