sql - combining two stored procedure to one stored procedure getting error -

i have stored procedure this:

alter procedure [dbo].[ibs_podiumsummerycount]    @locid integer = null begin     set nocount on;      select         sum(status_receved) receved,         sum(status_parked) parked,        sum(status_requested) requested,        sum(status_requestedinprocess) requestinprocess             (select              case when (status = 0 ) 1 else 0 end status_receved,             case when (status = 2) 1 else 0 end status_parked,              case when (status = 3) 1 else 0 end status_requested,             case when (status = 4) 1 else 0 end status_requestedinprocess                      transaction_tbl                       locid = @locid , dtime >= getdate()-1 , status in (0,2,3,4)) a;      select         l1.starttime, convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) time             location_tbl l1              l1.locid = @locid end 

i have 1 more stored procedure this:

select  dbo.podiumsummerytime(                 convert(decimal(10,1),                     avg(convert(numeric(18,2), datediff(ss, t.dtime, t.paicdate  ))))              ) avgparkingtime,            dbo.podiumsummerytime(                 convert(decimal(10,1),                     avg(convert(numeric(18,2), datediff(ss, t.paydate, t.deldate ))))              ) avgdelivarytime,             dbo.podiumsummerytime(                 convert(decimal(10,1),                     avg(convert(numeric(18,2), datediff(ss, t.dtime, t.deldate ))))              ) avgstaytime              (select top 30 * transaction_tbl locid=@locid , dtime >= getdate()-2 order transactid desc ) t             end 

i try write 2 stored procedure in 1 union getting error this:

all queries combined using union, intersect or except operator must have equal number of expressions in target lists.

i working sql server 2008, how can combine these 2 stored procedures 1 stored procedure...

just error says, union specific keyword use set of rows both results in. if rows different can't joined union.

there nothing stop putting both queries in 1 stored procedure, proc return 2 result sets.

for example:

alter procedure [dbo].[ibs_podiumsummerycount]     @locid integer = null begin     select * customers location = @locid;      select * suppliers location = @locid; end 

will return results of both queries in separate results sets.


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