Search on select_tag in rails? -

i have 3 models lcities , lservices , search

class lcity < activerecord::base  has_many :lservices attr_accessible  :lname , :lcode , :lexperience , :lrating , :llocation end 


class lservice < activerecord::base belongs_to :lcity    attr_accessible  :lcode , :lscode , :lcharg , :lname end  class search < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :city , :services end 

after submitting in search form want lname lcities model know sql query how apply on rails

>select lname lcity llocation.lcity = lname.lservice  

form_for search

 <%= form_for (@search) |f| %>   <%=, city_for_select, :prompt => 'select city') %>  <%=f. select(:service, service_for_select, :prompt => 'select services') %>  <% end %> 

to start with, symbols have downcased:

has_many :lservices 


belongs_to :lcity 

second, sql right-to-left... also, makes little no sense. however, satisfy custommer, should (mind plural tables):

select lname lcites,lservices lcites.llocation = lservices.lname 

for query:

lcity.joins(:lservices).where("lservices.lname = lcites.llocation") 

not sure kind of results you're expecting, answer matches question.


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