haskell - QuickCheck prop to tasty prop -
im trying go from _prop example write same thing in tasty. (example http://primitive-automaton.logdown.com/posts/142511/tdd-with-quickcheck)
game9_prop :: game9 -> bool game9_prop = (9==) . length . ungame . ungame9
this i'm trying in tasty:
qctestgengame9 :: testtree qctestgengame9 = qc.testproperty "better gen rate" $ \ (g :: game9) -> length . ungame . ungame9 g == 9 --error line
this conversion gives me following error:
test/tasty.hs:53:11: illegal type signature: `game9' perhaps intended use -xscopedtypevariables in pattern type-signature
this type game9:
-- make generation rate better newtype game9 = game9 { ungame9 :: game } deriving (eq, show) instance arbitrary game9 arbitrary = (game9 . game) `liftm` replicatem 9 arbitrary
to fix immediate error, remove type annotation, i.e., use
qctestgengame9 :: testtree qctestgengame9 = qc.testproperty "better gen rate" $ \ g -> (length . ungame . ungame9) g == 9
the expression ungame9 g
ensures g :: game9
but it's simpler: game9_prop
defined, can use
qctestgengame9 :: testtree qctestgengame9 = qc.testproperty "better gen rate" game9_prop
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