ios - Save CMSampleBufferRef Before Sending it to AVAssetWriter -
i trying save samples in didoutputsamplebuffer
delegate before writing album avassetwriter
this code saving samples:
.h file
@property (nonatomic) nsinteger audioindex; @property (nonatomic) nsinteger videoindex; @property (nonatomic) cmtime starttime; @property (nonatomic) cfmutablearrayref audiosamples; @property (nonatomic) cfmutablearrayref videosamples;
.m file
cfretain(samplebuffer); if (cmsamplebufferdataisready(samplebuffer)) { if (self.videoindex == 0) { self.starttime = cmsamplebuffergetpresentationtimestamp(samplebuffer); } if (bvideo) { int count = 0; count = (int)cfarraygetcount(self.videosamples); if (count >= 1000) { cfarraysetvalueatindex(self.videosamples, self.videoindex, samplebuffer); } else { cfarrayappendvalue(self.videosamples, samplebuffer); } self.videoindex = (self.videoindex + 1) % 1000; } else { int count; count = (int)cfarraygetcount(self.audiosamples); if (count >= 1000) { cfarraysetvalueatindex(self.audiosamples, self.audioindex, samplebuffer); } else { cfarrayappendvalue(self.audiosamples, samplebuffer); } self.audioindex = (self.audioindex + 1) % 1000; } } cfrelease(samplebuffer);
the problem last line cfrelease
, when calling method cannot use samples later purpose getting error:
[not type retain]: message sent deallocated instance
and when not calling method video images stuck , "not responding" (but instance available).
you seem setting pair of ring buffers audio , video. releasing cmsamplebuffers have placed onto ring buffers - when need access them not there. quick fix release cmsamplebuffer when overwrite on ring buffer new sample. whenever write sample ring buffer, should check whether existing sample overwritten @ index, , cfrelease @ point.
however not going work out breaking cmsamplebuffer memory model result in dropped frames or worse.
here apple docs advise:
if application causing samples dropped retaining provided cmsamplebufferref objects long, needs access sample data long period of time, consider copying data new buffer , releasing sample buffer (if retained) memory references can reused.
wwdc 2011 video 419, capturing camera using av foundation on ios 5 includes, in it's list of do's , dont's (pdf p.50):
- don't hold on sample buffers outside of data output callbacks
- don't take long time process buffers in data output callbacks
here example using buffer copying (not mine - haven't tested it). note caveat: "but there problem, memory of super large, video used caution."
you may need rethink design. whatever processing planning ring buffer content, perhaps @ least some of undertaken before adding data ring buffer, not holding onto cmsamplebuffers rather data has been processed (and less memory-intensive).
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