Spring Integration :How to send array as a single payload to a jdbc : outbound gateway -

how send array single payload jdbc : outbound gateway of spring integration ? constructing array of string , sending interface method . sql accepts 1 parameter ":payload" , fails uncategorizedsqlexception.

the sql query of outbound gateway below

<int-jdbc:outbound-gateway data-source="datasource"   request-channel="requestchannel"                             query="select xmlmsg table seq_id in (:payload)"                                                            reply-channel="replychannel" >   </int-jdbc:outbound-gateway>  serviceinterface.findbysequenceids(sequenceidstringarray); 

actually substitutenamedparameters in clause parameter has collection not array. source code of namedparameterjdbctemplate.substitutenamedparameters:

if (value instanceof collection) {     iterator<?> entryiter = ((collection<?>) value).iterator();     int k = 0;         while (entryiter.hasnext()) {     if (k > 0) {         actualsql.append(", ");         }  ......       actualsql.append("?"); 

so, construct list strings, not array:

arrays.aslist("foo", "bar", "baz"); 

and real query be:

select xmlmsg table seq_id in (?, ?, ?) 

other work jdbctemplate you.


note, default <int-jdbc:outbound-gateway/> selects 1 record. rid limit specify max-rows-per-poll="0".


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