c# - How to compare viewmodel and dependency in unit testing? -

below code of method :-

   [httppost]    public actionresult index(productviewmodel model)    {        if (model != null)        {                         return partialview("_productgrid", getproduct(model));        }        else        {            return redirecttoaction("index", "product");        }    } 

and below code unit testing method (in c#,mvc) :-

    [testmethod]     public void index_withmodel_posttest()     {         //arrange         productcontroller controller = new productcontroller();          var model = new productviewmodel()         {             name="product1",             description="desc"         };           //act         partialviewresult actual = controller.index(model) partialviewresult;                                 if (actual != null)         {             var viewmodel = (productviewmodel)((viewresultbase)(actual)).model;              int matches = _productservice.getdeals("", model.description).count +                           _productservice.getinsurance("", model.description).count +                           _productservice.getcategory("", model.description).count;               //assert             assert.isnotnull(actual);             assert.isinstanceoftype(actual, typeof(partialviewresult));             assert.isinstanceoftype(viewmodel, typeof(productviewmodel));             assert.areequal("_productgrid", actual.viewname);              assert.areequal(matches, viewmodel.products.count());         }     } 

you can see on below part of method fetching products of 3 methods. of 3 methods productservice dependency.and want know should mock condition ? or can in other way ? want assert count of matches variable , actual.product.count.

i think essence of unit testing take advantage of separation of concerns. u should use moq create mock data accessed created repository , call repository in controller , pass unit testing.the essence of separation of concerns , unit testing able test each layer separately.browse on moq


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