python 3.x - How do I put more than one label into a frame using tkinter? -
i trying put label underneath label on frame in tkinter either 1 label printing on top of other or seem frame doubled underneath itself. how fix problem?
this code using:
class teachingcontent(tk): def __init__(self): super(teachingcontent, self).__init__() self.nextlabel = none self.nextlabeltext = stringvar() self.nextlabeltext.set("next window") self.tutortitlefont = font.font(family='helvetica', size=16, weight='bold') self.tutorcontentfont = font.font(family='helvetica', size=14, weight='normal') self.tutorcodefont = font.font(family='helvetica', size=12, weight='normal') self.tutorbuttonfont = font.font(family = 'helvetica', size=12, weight='bold') self.title_height = 40 self.firstprogram_title_frame = ttk.frame() self.firstprogram_frame = ttk.frame() def nextbuttonpressed(self): pass def prevbuttonpressed(self): pass def formsize(self): self.configure(bg = 'black') # sets colour of gui screen black self.geometry("650x450+200+200") # sets size of gui self.title("python tutor") self.nbutton = button(text = "next", command = self.nextbuttonpressed, bg = 'grey25', activebackground = 'gray19', activeforeground = 'dodgerblue1', fg = 'royal blue', width = 8, font = self.tutorbuttonfont).place(x=561,y=418) self.pbutton = button(text = "previous", command = self.prevbuttonpressed, bg = 'grey25', activebackground = 'gray19', activeforeground = 'dodgerblue1', fg = 'royal blue', width = 8, font = self.tutorbuttonfont).place(x=0,y=418) self.firstprogram_title_frame.configure(height=self.title_height) self.firstprogram_title_frame['borderwidth'] = 2 self.firstprogram_title_frame.grid(column=0, 0, padx=33, pady=50, sticky=(w, n, e)) self.firstprogram_frame.configure() self.firstprogram_frame['borderwidth'] = 2 self.firstprogram_frame['relief'] = 'sunken' self.firstprogram_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=33, pady=50, sticky=(w, n, e)) def firstprogram(self): self.formsize() self.firstprogramtitlelabel = label(self.firstprogram_title_frame, text = "a first program", font=self.tutortitlefont) self.firstprogramtitlelabel.pack() self.firstprogramlabel = label(self.firstprogram_frame, text = "this program reads in 2 numbers, adds them , prints out result", font = self.tutorcontentfont, wraplength = 500, width = 35, height = 14) self.firstprogramlabel.grid(column=self.0, row=0, ipadx = 85, pady = 11, padx = 11, sticky=(n)) self.firstprogram = label(self.firstprogram_frame, text = "# program works out result adding 2 numbers\n# rob miles november 2012\n\n# read numbers\ \nfirststring = input ('enter first number: ')\nfirstnumber = int(firststring)\ \nsecondstring = input ('enter second number: ')\nsecondnumber = int(secondstring)\n\n# work out sum\ \nresult = firstnumber + secondnumber\n\n# display result\nprint ('the result is: ', result)", font = self.tutorcodefont, wraplength = 500, width = 35, height = 14, justify = left) self.firstprogram.grid(column=self.0, row=0, ipadx = 85, pady = 11, padx = 11, sticky=(n)) tc = teachingcontent() tc.firstprogram()
next time put effort in posting working code here, right?
my traceback log make code running:
file "", line 68 self.firstprogramlabel.grid(column=self.0, row=0, ipadx = 85, pady = 11, padx = 11, sticky=(n)) ^ syntaxerror: invalid syntax file "", line 75 self.firstprogram.grid(column=self.0, row=0, ipadx = 85, pady = 11, padx = 11, sticky=(n)) ^ syntaxerror: invalid syntax file "", line 50 self.firstprogram_title_frame.grid(column=0, 0, padx=33, ^ syntaxerror: non-keyword arg after keyword arg traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 3, in <module> class teachingcontent(tk): nameerror: name 'tk' not defined traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 79, in <module> tc = teachingcontent() file "", line 11, in __init__ self.tutortitlefont = font.font(family='helvetica', size=16, weight='bold') nameerror: name 'font' not defined traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 80, in <module> tc = teachingcontent() file "", line 19, in __init__ self.firstprogram_title_frame = ttk.frame() nameerror: name 'ttk' not defined
mistakes you've made:
- submitted wrong code
- you messed grid rows , columns
- you mixed grid , pack layout managers
- height in label measured in rows not pixels
some of corrections:
self.firstprogram_title_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=33, pady=5, sticky='n') self.firstprogram_frame.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=33, sticky='n') self.firstprogramtitlelabel.grid(column=0, row=0) self.firstprogramlabel = label(self.firstprogram_frame, text = "blabla", font = self.tutorcontentfont, wraplength = 500, width = 35) self.firstprogram.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='n', ipadx = 85)
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