Can I reset MPI instance in c++? -

i wrote sort algorithm mpi. recursive mergesort, left child sorts half array within same process parent whereas right child gets new process , receives half array parent sends sorted array parent. need sort bunch of integer files. here current design:

int main() {   mpi_init();   if(my_rank == 0)   {     foreach data file     {       sort_mpi(array);     }   }   else   {     mpi_recv(right_array...);     sort_mpi(right_array);     mpi_finalize();   }   mpi_finalize(); } 

with code, first file gets sorted , moves on next file. in second interation of loop, stays in rank 0 , never goes rank 1. should ideal if can reset mpi instance before going next file. there way that?

you not need reset mpi - need have point instances "freezing" in, , continuing after instances got point...

since it's homework - won't tell method name, hope helps.
think design of sort, , state need nodes in, when, , how enforce it.

this example might helpful (hoping not solve homework, leading in right direction) bitonic sorting mpi


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