php - Symfony2, Edit Form, Upload Picture -

im new forum , symfony. after hours of searching don't found solution problem.


i have problem in edit form. create form works fine! have edit form projects. when change fields, title , submit. picture disappears, because haven't pick one....

i have select current picture every time, because not pre selected.

what need: 1. need preview of current picture above file upload button. 2. when change data of edit form, preview picture shouldn't change!

is there way can achieve this? need help, thx :)

my form looks this.

    public function buildform(formbuilderinterface $builder, array $options) {     $builder             ->add('title', 'text', array('attr' => array(                     'label' => 'titel',                     'class' => 'input-xxlarge'         )))             ->add('short', 'text', array('attr' => array(                     'label' => 'beschreibung',                     'class' => 'input-xxlarge'         )))             ->add('content', 'text', array('attr' => array(                     'label' => 'inhalt',                     'class' => 'input-xxlarge'         )))             ->add('category', 'choice', array('choices' =>                 array('tuning' => 'tuning', 'gas' => 'gas', 'reparatur' => 'reparatur'), 'required' => true), array('attr' => array(                     'label' => 'kategorie',                     'class' => 'input-xxlarge'         )))             ->add('active', 'choice', array(                 'choices' => array('0' => 'nein', '1' => 'ja'),                 'preferred_choices' => array('nein'),                 'attr' => array(                     'label' => 'aktivieren',                     'class' => 'input-small'         )))             ->add('picture', null, array('label' => 'bild', 'data_class' => null, 'required' => false,             ))   //need workaround here...  } 


here entity

 /**  * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="pictures", mappedby="project")  */ protected $pictures;  public function __construct() {     $this->pictures = new arraycollection();     $this->created = new \datetime(); }  /**  * @var integer  *  * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer")  * @orm\id  * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")  */ private $id;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="title", type="string", length=255)  */ private $title;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="short", type="text")  */ private $short;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="content", type="text")  */ private $content;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="category", type="string", length=255)  */ private $category;  /**  * @var string  *  * @assert\file(maxsize = "1024k", mimetypesmessage = "please upload valid picture")  * @orm\column(name="picture", type="string", length=255)  */ private $picture;  /**  * @var integer  *  * @orm\column(name="active", type="smallint")  */ private $active;  /**  * @var \datetime  *  * @orm\column(name="created", type="datetime")  */ private $created;  /**  * id  *  * @return integer   */ public function getid() {     return $this->id; }  /**  * set title  *  * @param string $title  * @return project  */ public function settitle($title) {     $this->title = $title;      return $this; }  /**  * title  *  * @return string   */ public function gettitle() {     return $this->title; }  /**  * set short  *  * @param string $short  * @return project  */ public function setshort($short) {     $this->short = $short;      return $this; }  /**  * short  *  * @return string   */ public function getshort() {     return $this->short; }  /**  * set content  *  * @param string $content  * @return project  */ public function setcontent($content) {     $this->content = $content;      return $this; }  /**  * content  *  * @return string   */ public function getcontent() {     return $this->content; }  /**  * set category  *  * @param string $category  * @return project  */ public function setcategory($category) {     $this->category = $category;      return $this; }  /**  * category  *  * @return string   */ public function getcategory() {     return $this->category; }  /**  * set picture  *  * @param string $picture  * @return project  */ public function setpicture($picture) {     $this->picture = $picture;      return $this; }  /**  * picture  *  * @return string   */ public function getpicture() {     return $this->picture; }  /**  * set active  *  * @param integer $active  * @return project  */ public function setactive($active) {     $this->active = $active;      return $this; }  /**  * active  *  * @return integer   */ public function getactive() {     return $this->active; }  /**  * set created  *  * @param \datetime $created  * @return project  */ public function setcreated($created) {     $this->created = $created;      return $this; }  /**  * created  *  * @return \datetime   */ public function getcreated() {     return $this->created; }   /**  * add pictures  *  * @param \pspiess\contentbundle\entity\pictures $pictures  * @return project  */ public function addpicture(\pspiess\contentbundle\entity\pictures $pictures) {     $this->pictures[] = $pictures;     $pictures->setproject($this);     return $this; }  /**  * remove pictures  *  * @param \pspiess\contentbundle\entity\pictures $pictures  */ public function removepicture(\pspiess\contentbundle\entity\pictures $pictures) {     $this->pictures->removeelement($pictures); }  /**  * pictures  *  * @return \doctrine\common\collections\collection   */ public function getpictures() {     return $this->pictures; }  /**  * override tostring() method return name of project title  * @return string title  */ public function __tostring() {     return $this->title; }  public function getfullpicturepath() {     return null === $this->picture ? null : $this->getuploadrootdir() . $this->picture; }  protected function getuploadrootdir() {     // absolute directory path uploaded documents should saved     return $this->gettmpuploadrootdir() . $this->getid() . "/"; }  protected function gettmpuploadrootdir() {     // absolute directory path uploaded documents should saved     return __dir__ . '/../../../../web/resources/images/project/'; }  /**  * @orm\prepersist()  * @orm\preupdate()  */ public function uploadpicture() {     echo $this->picture;     // file property can empty if field not required     if (null === $this->picture) {         return;     }     if (!$this->id) {         $this->picture->move($this->gettmpuploadrootdir(), $this->picture->getclientoriginalname());     } else {         $this->picture->move($this->getuploadrootdir(), $this->picture->getclientoriginalname());     }     $this->setpicture($this->picture->getclientoriginalname()); }  /**  * @orm\postpersist()  */ public function movepicture() {     if (null === $this->picture) {         return;     }     if (!is_dir($this->getuploadrootdir())) {         mkdir($this->getuploadrootdir());     }     copy($this->gettmpuploadrootdir() . $this->picture, $this->getfullpicturepath());     unlink($this->gettmpuploadrootdir() . $this->picture); }  /**  * @orm\preremove()  */ public function deletepicture() {     if (file_exists($this->getfullpicturepath())) {         unlink($this->getfullpicturepath());     }     if (is_dir($this->getuploadrootdir())) {         //rmdir($this->getuploadrootdir());     } } 

you should check out looks you've not added in there, it'd worth having look.

your entity missing of methods , properties needed, , looks form definition not quite right yet either. docs @ explaining beginner stuff make sure give them over.


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