c - mDNSResponder not compiling out of the box on Maverick -
this morning downloaded lastest mdnsresponder apple opensource repository . opened xcode project (mdnsresponder-544/mdnsmacosx) , tried compile, few files missing: #include <corefoundation/cfxpcbridge.h> in bonjourevents.c not found. #include <dispatch/private.h> in dns-sd.c not found (but compiles gcc, i'm ok that) other errors... i running xcode 5.1 on osx 10.9.2, command line tool installed. i attaching output of xcodebuild: $ xcodebuild --- xcodebuild: warning: directory /users/kas/downloads/mdnsresponder-544/mdnsmacosx contains legacy project 'mdnsresponder.pbproj' - ignoring , using 'mdnsresponder.xcodeproj'. === build target bonjourevents of project mdnsresponder default configuration (development) === check dependencies compilec build/mdnsresponder.build/development/bonjourevents.build/objects-normal/x86_64/bonjourevents.o bonjourevents.c normal x86_64 c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler cd /users/adsada/dow...